Tuesday 7 December 2010

Puppy classes

On Sunday night I went to my first puppy class. It was quite strange and very loud. There were a couple of little King Charles spaniels, a wild Doberman, a fat chocolate Lab, 2 puppy labs, a tiny Jack Russel and a big Alsatian. The Alsatian and the Doberman were really loud and boisterous. The little Jack Russel didn't do what it was told so it made me look good. We had to walk around in a big rectangle for a while, then we had to sit and stay seated. At one point I had to sit still while the other dogs weaved around me, I wasn't going to sit there when that big Alsatian passed me, no way.

You weren't supposed to have any dinner before hand so by the end of class I was starving, I was almost eying up the Jack Russel as a snack.

Yesterday it snowed again, a lot so I went out to play in the fresh snow. It was fun.

Oh and I have no idea how I'm supposed to pronounce my name, Tor shavn, tors havn, Toe uss hown......

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